D.A.R.C.I. sniper rifle receives team-focused overhaul in Destiny 2
Bungie reveals significant upgrades for the exotic heavy sniper, alongside other weapon improvements.

Bungie has unveiled extensive weapon changes coming to Destiny 2’s Episode Heresy update in February. The developer’s focus centers on revitalizing underutilized exotic weapons, with the D.A.R.C.I. sniper rifle receiving one of the most substantial overhauls.
The heavy sniper rifle, which previously dominated the game’s damage charts before falling out of favor, is getting a complete mechanical redesign. Its new catalyst perk, Network Targeting, introduces team-oriented benefits similar to the popular Gjallarhorn rocket launcher. When players activate Personal Assistant and hit their target, both they and their allies gain improved weapon performance and increased precision damage with non-Exotic Sniper Rifles. The D.A.R.C.I. user receives an additional 15% damage increase after providing five stacks to teammates.
Telesto leads wave of exotic weapon improvements
The infamous Telesto fusion rifle, known for its history of causing in-game bugs, receives an appropriately unique update. The weapon now triggers its pulses on any Void final blow and can refill ammo from reserves. A new special reload mechanism causes Telesto projectiles to rain down upon direct hits, embracing both its in-game lore and its reputation for unexpected behavior.
Several other exotic weapons are also receiving significant adjustments. Thunderlord and Cloudstrike gain access to the Bolt Charge bonus, while Lord of Wolves undergoes a complete redesign. Fourth Horseman and Legend of Acrius receive improvements to broaden their utility, and Quicksilver Storm sees the reversal of recent nerfs. Heavy weapons including Wardcliff Coil, Queensbreaker, and The Colony are also slated for enhancement alongside various other less-frequently used exotics.