World of Warcraft Unveils New One-Time Plunderstorm Rewards
Players can now earn special gear through one-time Plunderstorm rewards system.

Blizzard Entertainment has implemented a new rewards system for World of Warcraft’s Plunderstorm battle royale mode, offering players a unique opportunity to earn special gear through collected Plunder. The system, launched on January 31, provides a one-time account-wide reward for players who accumulate 5,000 Plunder in the game mode.
Players meeting the Plunder requirement will receive a Storm-Singed Plunder chest in their in-game mailbox. According to a Blizzard forum post by community manager Kaivax, the chest contains two Keg-Leg’s Bronze Spoils and one Keg-Leg’s Silver Spoils, which can be exchanged for specialized gear chests.
Reward Exchange and Implementation
Players can redeem their tokens through Da’kesh Grimledger, an Orcish NPC located in Dornogal’s Forgegrounds in The War Within’s main hub city. Bronze Spoils can be traded for a Swabbie’s Lockbox containing random Uncommon gear, while Silver Spoils offer a Pirate’s Booty chest with Heroic item level 610 gear from the Nerub’ar Palace raid.
- World of Warcraft will mail players who collect 5,000 Plunder a Storm-Singed Plunder chest.
- This reward is only available on the retail version of World of Warcraft.
- The Storm-Singed Plunder contains tokens that can be traded for Warbound chests containing random pieces of gear.
- The reward is limited to one redemption per player account.
The Plunderstorm mode, currently in its second season following a successful debut during Dragonflight’s 10.2.6 update, features 60-player battles in a pirate-themed environment. Players can efficiently earn the required 5,000 Plunder through daily Captain’s Orders quests, which provide 1,000 Plunder for completing specific tasks.